Found 2 blog entries tagged as bidet.

When you mention using a bidet to someone, you’ll likely hear one of two wildly divergent responses. The first might be “Eww, that’s so weird!” The second might be akin to someone squealing with pleasure and exclaiming, “It’s the best home improvement I’ve ever done.”

Those in the pro-bidet camp need no convincing. But if you’ve never tried a bidet, how can you tell whether it’s right for you or not?

Bidet interest in this country is on the rise, thanks partly to the toilet paper shortage we experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Bidets clean you with a spray of water; therefore you don’t require much, if any, toilet paper.) So bidets are considered very green because of the trees saved.

Americans are late to the trend, but if you travel…

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Pardon our forwardness...but bidets are becoming the topic of more and more conversations lately! Some of you are installing them yourselves in your personal bathrooms and many of you are wondering which one to try. Well â”€ here are some of the top seats to start your search. We'll leave the instructions to someone else!


Imagine if there was a way of decreasing your need for toilet paper, while still getting fully clean after using the bathroom. Many people have known about this simple solution for centuries: the bidet. Unfortunately, this porcelain washlet you can see all over Europe isn't as popular in the Unisted States.

A true bidet can require time and money preparing your bathroom with new piping, plus space for a new appliance. If you…

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