How to Turn Your Sad Laundry Closet Into a Laundry Room
Posted by The Cobb Group on
IN MY DREAMS, my laundry room is airy and bright, with wooden folding tables and shelves with baskets to intelligently organize detergents, sewing supplies, my ironing board and clothespins. In other words, it would resemble a modest-size Apple store, except with a whole section devoted to orphan socks.
But the laundry room in my reality is a hellhole. It’s a tiny closet, actually, where space is so tight I can barely close the door on the stacked machines that I jammed in there. They hulk, stupidly, among other random items including the vacuum, an empty guitar case and a weird bed coverlet known as “the meat blanket” because its mottled pink-and-white pattern resembles a slice of Mortadella sausage.
#laundryroomporn—photos of cramped…
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