Found 1 blog entry tagged as heating a lowcountry home.

It’s the stuff of sitcoms: the thermostat wars in which one household member keeps cranking the heat and the family miser repeatedly ratcheting the dial back down. (You know who you are!)

While this back-and-forth drama plays out daily in homes across America, the guideline for temperature settings sits as if carved in stone. The government’s energy-saving advice is simple: Lock in the thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit while you’re awake—and then dial it back by 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours a day, usually while you sleep, to save on heating costs.

For some ice-blooded types, though, 68 is a laughably high number. It turns out, there’s a small but vocal contingent out there who revel in chilling out at 55 degrees—the unofficial bottom…

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