Found 2 blog entries tagged as house.

Unless your home was built in the last year or two, it's likely to be full of outdated features and systems. Some of those items may add to the home's charm, but many distinctly will not. Replacing the outdated with modern versions or smart technology can save you time and money.

"While not everyone is an uber-cutting-edge tech wiz, [home] buyers are more tech-savvy than ever before,” says Jared Wilk, principal at Shulkin Wlik Group.

Smart home technology is becoming more mainstream, he says, with homeowners willing and eager to operate various aspects of their homes from their smartphones, and to have systems controlled by Wi-Fi to create efficiencies.

Here’s a look at some of the things your home doesn’t need anymore—and how…

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What is a Lightning Protection System?

A lightning protection system is a passive means of preventing property damage from the effects of a lightning strike. It works by providing the electric charge produced by the clouds a path of least resistance to the ground. There are four main parts of a properly installed lightning protection system: copper air terminals, copper cable, copper clad ground rods, surge suppressors.

The air terminals and cable are typically copper, but sometimes they can (or must) be aluminum. All of the air terminals are connected via the cable which has a minimum of two ground rods buried 10 feet below grade. This system is then grounded to both the water pipes and existing ground of the circuit box. The surge…

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