Found 1 blog entry tagged as How Can A Rainy Day Help You?.


As rain is expected to continue all day in my neck of the woods, I sit quietly and plan out my day. While it was tempting to hit the snooze button an extra time, I thought about all the things I could get done. However, that doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t need a mental health day. It reminds me of a great article I read by Do Five Things A Day.

I love this part from the author saying what a rainy day can turn into:




To take advantage of the drops hitting the ground, reminding me to be mindful of what is brought to me in my life. I perceive rain as an opportunity for cleansing. As the rain washes the dirt from the road, I can take the day to refresh my soul and my mind.

If you have a rainy day today too, I hope…

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