Found 1 blog entry tagged as neighborhood sale.

How to Price Your Stuff so It Sells

Pricing your merchandise right is crucial when you're having a yard sale. If you set the prices too high, your stuff won't sell. If your prices are too low, you lose money you could have made. To make the process a little easier, here are a few dos and don'ts of garage sale pricing.

10 Yard Sale Pricing Dos 

    • Price everything before the sale starts.
    • Price each item individually. The only exceptions are groups of like items that are all priced the same, such as books. Place all of these on a table together. Make a simple sign with big lettering that says "Books $1 each" or whatever price you've set. Hang the sign on the front of the table or on the wall behind it.
    • Use a fine-point marker to write…

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