Found 45 blog entries tagged as Lowcountry.

How many of you are pickleball players? Did you recently get into it? Many existing communities are furiously modifying tennis courts to add pickleball courts and newer communities are including these in their amenity design. It has certainly picked up in popularity over the past few years. It is not hard to find a friend or neighbor who's playing. We've even had requests from clients who are looking for homes in an active pickleball community. No problem there! Port Royal just newly resurfaced 6 new courts for player use and Palmetto Dunes is one of the most active pickleball communities around. Even vacationers can get in on the fun!

Okay, so if you don't play and you don't get the appeal, maybe this article will shed some light and who…

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Lowcountry Real Estate Market Report - July 2021

Posted by Paige Rose on Monday, August 16th, 2021 at 12:18pm

After months of declines, the inventory of homes for sale nationwide is beginning to increase as more sellers come to the market, looking to capitalize on record-high sales prices while providing a much-need boost of supply to America’s epic housing shortage. This is encouraging news for homebuyers, who have struggled with a lack of supply and rocketing sales prices during the pandemic.

Hilton Head & Mainland Real Estate Market Update - July 2021

For the 12- month period spanning August 2020 through July 2021, pending sales in the Hilton Head region were up 38.0 percent overall. Market-wide, inventory levels were down 59.2…

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This morning I found a snake waiting for me at my back door while I was making coffee! I instantly started looking up articles on snakes to find out what kind it was and learned that May is snake season. I mean...I'm a little ahead of the curve since it's only April! They must know that I am a safe house because I would never hurt them ????.

I found this article through my voracious researching this morning and thought I would share since the snakes are likely headed to your home too!

State law prohibits killing snakes in Georgia, South Carolina

There are more than forty species of snakes in Georgia and South Carolina. Chances are the one you stumble across in your yard is not one of the six venomous ones in our region.

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There is magic in those early morning hours before the rest of your house wakes up. I love to sit in the stillness of the dawn light while the world slowly wakes up; when the birds begin to chirp, animals begin to stir, and the light is a magical thick yellow-y orange. There isn’t a better time to rein in your day than before it starts. It’s the perfect time to center yourself and set up how you want the day to play out. There will always be surprises, but this way you start with ownership. Don’t turn on the computer or focus on what happened yesterday. Take the time to begin with something fresh. Journal, blog, read, or sit in the stillness. Fill up your tank. The surprises that do flow in throughout your day will be more manageable. Sleep is still #1…

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The market is tight as inventory is low, and there are many buyers circling to get into the game. Right now it's fair to say that we are knee deep a “Seller’s Market” in the South Carolina Lowcountry and that one needs to be very savvy in order to have their offer accepted. 

There is an art to writing an offer and having a strong, knowledgeable Realtor makes all the difference. Coming in aggressively and locking down a property before multiple offers are presented usually lands you the best opportunity and the desired home. Dancing around the obvious might cause a purchaser to end up with their disappointing second choice. 

  • Go in knowing your bottomline and where you are comfortable walking away from the transaction without any regrets. Don’t…

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A key. A perfect fit. Without a key, the door will not open. 

Let me be your key to success. Year-end is approaching quickly. How good do you feel about it? It isn’t always about how much money you made or how many houses you closed. You are new to the game after all, and there is a learning curve in real estate. Ultimately it is a game of longevity, but you won’t be able to stay in the industry without a plan. Real estate builds on itself. How do you feel? In order to stay in this game and really any game, you need to feel productive, confident and satisfied. Are you organized, did you make enough to invest another year in “the game,” are you satisfied with your personal psychology? Success is a feeling. The end result is about relaxing and having…

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You have to be a good salesperson to sell real estate.


I hate to think that one of you out there may not pursue or continue in real estate because someone told you that you need to be a good salesperson. Don’t let that scare you off. Most clients want someone who will listen to their wants and needs and who can communicate with them. If you can do those things, the rest just follows. There are ways to present yourself and handle your business that will separate you from the "pushy real estate salesperson" image. Think "consultant" for better results. Try to stay out of "sales" mode, even if you're starving for a deal.

Image by: v2osk/Unsplash

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How do you start your morning? Do you wake up in rush or do you take your time? Most of us start running a reel in our mind of all the things we need to do. However, if you changed your reel and made a list of all things you were grateful for and told yourself positive affirmations, your day may look differently. The more positivity that you encounter throughout the day, the more positive you’ll stay. It’s actually a proven fact!

Try putting positive quotes on your mirror so you can read them while you brush your teeth or blow dry your hair. Remind yourself that you’ve got this. You can do all the hard things. You can make that call that you’ve been putting off.

Seize the day!

Image by: Unsplash

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Pork bellies, oil, corn and soybeans are all commodities just like the real estate market. The market fluctuates and is controlled by supply and demand, as well as weather and the financial state of the world among many other issues. The difference with real estate is that there is also heightened emotions surrounding each transaction. Shame, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration and pride are just some of the feelings connected to a real estate transaction. People seem to attach personalities to homes and give them much more weight than is necessary. Your job is to help your Seller manage the emotion.

When a Purchaser doesn’t like your Seller’s home or a Real Estate Agent gives an opinion, many owners take this very personally. Help them to see —…

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Don’t let anyone fool you by “selling” to you that you need to be the best. The key is not being the best. The key is to be better than you were yesterday. To me that means you are always learning. You are always striving to do the next best thing. We can’t know everything, but we can always find the people and resources that know what we don’t. Working with me, or any type of career/life coach, is broadening your scope of knowledge. You will have direct access to someone who you can ask all your questions to and help you make your path a little smoother. Why make learning harder?! Let’s talk and see how working with me can help your business.

Image by: Anastasia Lysiak/Unsplash

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