Found 45 blog entries tagged as Lowcountry.

Even superstars like Tom Brady and Stephen Curry need coaches. Likewise, even a top-producing agent can benefit from having a real estate coach.

90% of new agents who use a real estate coach see a significant increase in their business. They are more likely to take the steps they never would have attempted if they simply waited for assurance in their own abilities.

I will work with you to identify your specific goals. Stop blending in!

Image by: Louis Smit/Unsplash

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Sometimes all we need is a reminder of why we even got started to begin with!

Everyone has a down moment or even day. That client that rubs you the wrong way, the deal that didn’t close, spilling your coffee on the way out the door…whatever it is, jog your memory back to the beginning and all your excitement. What was your motivation? It helps me to get out of my funk when I think about all my motivators.

Having a Real Estate Coach can guide you to the next plateau.

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This book was named a 2018 best business book pick by Fast Company and Wired UK. The author, Beth Comstock, is the head of marketing and innovation at GE. She was also the first woman to hold Vice Chair at GE.

This book is for all those looking to spearhead change in their companies and careers. One of the best tips to follow for personal, career, and/or spiritual growth is to read something to expand yourself 20 minutes a day. I thought this would be a good book to add to your arsenal. Let me know what you think.

Imagine it Forward by Beth Comstock with Tahl Raz

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” “If you're going through hell, keep going.” “Everyone has his day, and some days last longer than others.” - Sir Winston Churchill

This is true. So very true. Without failure there are not successes. Failure is not final. Failure is never the end. Failure is actually the beginning and a path to new adventures. Life is a continuation of events, and failure is one of life’s many events. Looking at a failure with new eyes gives it new energy and perspective. There are not mountain peaks without valleys, and without failures life cannot be celebrated. 

Remember the principle of fluidity and not the concept of beginning and end. Fluidity keeps the…

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Ever heard the saying, “Done is better than good?” Sometimes you just have to get things done. It doesn’t matter if is perfect or even good, but it matters that you just completed the task. Beginning the process is more than half the battle. Step number 2 is often very easy. Procrastination can motivate but when things are really tough or you just really don’t want to do things it can be hard to motivate. I know for me, I can think of a million things to do in order to avoid one small thing that I really don’t want to do. 

This can be so true in Real Estate. There are so many avenues that need to be addressed with every transaction. Realtors juggle many more balls than our clients understand. We are often the glue holding the…

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What an exciting time! We are rolling into a new decade. A fresh start. So much seems to have wrapped up for so many people. It is time to allow yourself the opportunity to be brave and forge new frontiers. Create a new YOU! Time to wipe the slate clean and leave the teens (the 2010-2019s) in the past. 

Do you all remember the fever and excitement of Y2K? That was the dawn of a new century. A new decade brings with it all that energy without the fear of world ending and computers blowing up. It is almost comical, the amount of fear that surrounded that time in history. We all closed our eyes on New Year’s Eve of 1999 and woke up to a better 2000. Now it is 2020. 

We are well into this decade and the time is ripe to break free from…

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Sunday’s are generally busy for realtors. Between open houses, showings, planning for the week and our families, we are juggling a lot. However, Sunday’s are also perfect to take a few moments for ourselves. It helps to refresh us and gives us back our energy. Try to carve out even 30 minutes to just sit back and relax. You will be so happy that you did.

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Do you procrastinate? It may not be because of the reason you think. I recently read this article, and it hits the nail on the head. The writer references one of my all-time favorite authors, Brené Brown. Her topics and writing style are spot on.

Could it be that you are a perfectionist and it is causing you to procrastinate? I can be guilty of this too. These steps are really helpful.

  1. Change your perspective

  2. Realize that you’re constantly improving

  3. Define “good enough”

  4. Remember: No one is perfect

  5. Be your own best friend

  6. What’s the worst thing that happens if they laugh at you?

  7. Not everyone will love you — and that’s okay

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Whether you are a new agent or seasoned, we all face the same challenges. If we don’t get ahead of them, we will never get over them.

Many agents underestimate and overlook how important it is to stay in touch with contacts regularly. Follow-up with clients after the transaction is key. Only 25% of agents actually pursue their existing contacts and past clients for referrals.

Statistics by Brian & Buffini:

  • 25% of agents generate more than 50% of their annual business entirely through referrals

  • 88% of buyers claim they would use the same agent or refer them

  • The average agent earns 42% of their business through referrals

  • 82% of ALL real estate transactions are REFERRALS

Don’t wait. Top…

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I recently read this statistic:



Around 41% of listed homes have a price reduction before they get an accepted offer. Help your sellers understand.

While it may not surprise you, it will certainly surprise your clients. Obviously our goal is to help our clients get to the right price at the time of listing, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. The perfect world would be that they follow your advice and market their home correctly! However, in the case that you need them to reduce their asking price, you really need to help them understand why and help them to keep their end goal in sight.

Image by: iStock

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