Found 38 blog entries tagged as real estate coaching.

We are almost at mid-year, and most of us have been sidelined by some unexpected occurrences. This is a great time of year to set aside an hour or so of uninterrupted time to do a mid-year review. Use this time to reflect and evaluate your goals and your progress and to plan for the remainder of the year.

Ask yourself the following questions:


  • What have you accomplished over the past six months (goal related or not)?

  • What goals did you achieve or make progress on?

  • What are your 3 proudest accomplishments?

  • What goals were a challenge?

  • What opportunities to learn new things did you take advantage of?

  • What goals no longer feel relevant?

  • What mistakes did I make and what did I learn…

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Once you’ve achieved your real estate license, shout it from the mountain tops! Make sure all your friends, family, former co-workers, neighbors, etc. know about your career switch and you’ll widen your circle of influence in no time!

I know some of you will want to wait until you “make it big” but this is the time to get your name out. You’re going to need to be vulnerable and put yourself out there. You own your own business now. It’s time to shine and let everyone know.

Image by: Paul Naunce/Unsplash

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Successful realtors know the business of real estate, and if they don’t know something they figure it out.  They're always learning and improving their skills. They continue to improve their knowledge in real estate, their professional skills, and their knowledge in the local real estate market. With this knowledge they continue innovating.

If you’re in the car a lot, you can use that time to increase your knowledge. I also use time working on mundane chores to learn something. For instance you can listen to Audible or podcasts while you do these things.

Successful realtors continue to upgrade their skills and knowledge by taking more classes and courses and hiring coaches. Learn more by contacting me to work together.

Image by: Bruce Mars

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Always keep learning and apply it to your career. There are so many resources available to you. First of all…I’m here! A good coach will improve your business and help you transform how you do business so that it works for you.

There are also tons of great books, articles and podcasts that are aimed for your success. When we work together, I will be able to offer suggestions based on where you are at in your business and your personality type. I can eliminate some of the stress of trying to find the “right” resources. I mean — that’s half the battle.

Do you know why so many people fail at real estate within the first two years? Too often people insist on pushing forward with a system that just isn’t working. If what you are doing is having you…

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Sometimes I think we forget about the power of a handwritten note. As a real estate agent you can be so busy and want to get things done, so you opt for an email or text. However, sometimes we are missing out on an opportunity to really make an impact on how much we care. I’m not saying you have to do it for everything or even every time. I’m just saying that once in awhile, send the handwritten note instead. It doesn’t even need to be real estate related, just start getting in the habit. See what a difference it makes for other people.

Here are some suggestions on when you can send a real estate related note:

  • Phone call

  • Meeting someone

  • Coffee, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • After receiving a gift

  • After receiving…

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Your CRM is the hub of your client operation. If you use it properly, your CRM tracks every client interaction, helps you identify lead opportunities, and gives you the tools to manage your lead funnel so that the most important clients get the attention they need at the time they need it.

A CRM’s effectiveness is extremely effective when your clients’ profiles are filled out with as much information as possible. A name, phone number, and email address are great, but imagine the sort of personalized, timely communication you could plan for your clients if you had birthdays, anniversaries, and closing dates?

Go through each of your contacts one by one, find and fill in as much information as you can. You will be so happy you did it later.


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If you’ve been following me for any amount of time you know that the real estate business is not really about selling houses. It’s about building and maintaining relationships. Of course, we facilitate the buying and selling of houses, but without the human interaction, none of that can happen.

I read this recently and I think it’s a great idea. I’m going to call it the 5 - 5 - 5 -5 rule. I know it’s a little wordy but stay with me!

Make 5 calls, send 5 emails, send 5 texts, and mail 5 thank you cards each day.

Set aside some time to make five phone calls every day. These can be clients, friends, family members, ANYONE. Talk to them about what’s going on in their lives, tell them about your new normal, and of course, chat about the real estate…

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Nothing beats face to face interaction, but as a real estate agent text messaging can be one of your best prospecting tools. In our modern world, sometimes leads will prefer text messaging to phone calls and you may have a better response rate.

Try something like this:
Happy Friday, (name)! We haven’t talked in awhile but wanted to let you know there are a few houses in your target area that caught my eye. If you’d like some info, just let me know! (your name)

Image by: NordWood Themes/Unsplash

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This isn’t my typical type of recommendation, but I was really surprised by how much I liked this book and how moving it was.

Funny, sad and inspiring! What a great book. Trevor Noah’s memoir is fast-paced and engaging. Only Trevor Noah can make laugh out loud and tell you such a revealing story at the same time. I thought you might enjoy an inspirational book with a funny twist. We could all use a good laugh these days!

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You: I am a new agent. Should I hire a real estate coach?

The answer is a loud YES! Successful entrepreneurs have mentors and hire a coach to help reach the “finish line faster.” Growth is achieved by modeling. Think about it; if you want to reduce your learning curve, would you rather learn by trial and error or learn from someone who has already gone through similar challenges? Trust me, you don't want to do it the hard way! When you have a proven blueprint and access to tools and systems, it's much easier and faster to get the best results. Your time is valuable, so why wait? You have big dreams, big visions, and goals to crush. We are all in this business to make money, why apprentice and share your profits? Hire the coach and learn strategies and…

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