Found 38 blog entries tagged as real estate coaching.

Why I am just hearing of this author now?! How many of you have already been reading Dr. Shauna Shapiro’s books? This book in particular strikes my fancy! As you’ve read in my other posts (or maybe you haven’t but they were good…I promise!) you know that I think it is extremely important to start my morning off on the right foot. My kids think I’m crazy, but if you don’t start fresh and ready, your day is doomed. There are plenty of things that can and sometimes will bog you down throughout the day, but starting off positively will change your day.

Image by: Image: Shauna Shapiro


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Did you know that the average age of a real estate agent is 54 and that 63% of real estate agents are women? That’s why when I read this article, I thought, heck yeah you should start something new! If you’ve always thought about getting into real estate but you were worried because of your age, no excuse now. What else do you want to try?

This article by JuJu Hook is fantastic.

5 Reasons Women Over 50 Should Start Something Big And New

Last February I went to Mammoth, snowboarding with some friends. (To be totally transparent, they snowboarded. I drank Pinot Noir.) In the bar I met a couple of women who were pushing 50, with teenaged kids. We got to talking about life, and I told them that at 49, I’d packed up my…

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This book comes recommended by NPR’s Code Switch podcast. This book takes a funny and insightful look at which self-help books actually work. The authors compile a list after reading over 50 self-help books and trying them out. Greenberg loves self-help books but Meinzer is a skeptic. Together they discuss what works and what doesn’t. The authors also host a podcast, By the Book. How to Be Fine comes out in March, but you can preorder now.

If you’d like to listen to the podcast, click here.

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This topic has come up in numerous conversations over the past couple weeks so I decided that you all will be interested too! Do you see the same numbers over and over? Do you always see 11:11 on your clock or did your total at the coffee shop come to $4.44? These could be signs coming to you. Take notice of what numbers are popping up around you and see if you can relate to the meaning behind them.

If you do a quick internet search you will find all kinds of information on repeating numbers but I like this one.

Here is a very condensed version from The Law of Attraction:


When you see the number 111 stop and look around yourself. Take a note of where you are, what you are doing and who you are with! 111 is a wakeup call from…

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Don’t believe in the law of attraction? It is a real thing, and it shows up in real estate all the time. This is one of the unwritten laws that I see occur more often than not, and it is also something so hard to articulate to clients. It doesn’t make sense but it really is unbelievable how it works. 

A house in our area has been on the market for almost 2 years. It is priced well, has character, has a great view and is in wonderful condition but had been passed up by Purchasers over and over. I took my Purchasers over to the home last Sunday, and they fell in love with the house. They said to me, “this house has been on the market for almost 2 years so a few extra days of thinking things over shouldn’t matter, right?” Wrong. Like I…

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Even superstars like Tom Brady and Stephen Curry need coaches. Likewise, even a top-producing agent can benefit from having a real estate coach.

90% of new agents who use a real estate coach see a significant increase in their business. They are more likely to take the steps they never would have attempted if they simply waited for assurance in their own abilities.

I will work with you to identify your specific goals. Stop blending in!

Image by: Louis Smit/Unsplash

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Sometimes all we need is a reminder of why we even got started to begin with!

Everyone has a down moment or even day. That client that rubs you the wrong way, the deal that didn’t close, spilling your coffee on the way out the door…whatever it is, jog your memory back to the beginning and all your excitement. What was your motivation? It helps me to get out of my funk when I think about all my motivators.

Having a Real Estate Coach can guide you to the next plateau.

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This book was named a 2018 best business book pick by Fast Company and Wired UK. The author, Beth Comstock, is the head of marketing and innovation at GE. She was also the first woman to hold Vice Chair at GE.

This book is for all those looking to spearhead change in their companies and careers. One of the best tips to follow for personal, career, and/or spiritual growth is to read something to expand yourself 20 minutes a day. I thought this would be a good book to add to your arsenal. Let me know what you think.

Imagine it Forward by Beth Comstock with Tahl Raz

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“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” “If you're going through hell, keep going.” “Everyone has his day, and some days last longer than others.” - Sir Winston Churchill

This is true. So very true. Without failure there are not successes. Failure is not final. Failure is never the end. Failure is actually the beginning and a path to new adventures. Life is a continuation of events, and failure is one of life’s many events. Looking at a failure with new eyes gives it new energy and perspective. There are not mountain peaks without valleys, and without failures life cannot be celebrated. 

Remember the principle of fluidity and not the concept of beginning and end. Fluidity keeps the…

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Ever heard the saying, “Done is better than good?” Sometimes you just have to get things done. It doesn’t matter if is perfect or even good, but it matters that you just completed the task. Beginning the process is more than half the battle. Step number 2 is often very easy. Procrastination can motivate but when things are really tough or you just really don’t want to do things it can be hard to motivate. I know for me, I can think of a million things to do in order to avoid one small thing that I really don’t want to do. 

This can be so true in Real Estate. There are so many avenues that need to be addressed with every transaction. Realtors juggle many more balls than our clients understand. We are often the glue holding the…

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